
*During Street Sweeper Social Club's set, [[Trent Reznor]] came out and performed a cover of MC5's "Kick Out The Jams".
*The sound died during [[Terrible Lie]], so the song had a false start.
*'''[[Robin Finck]]:''' Guitar, backing vocals
*'''[[Ilan Rubin]]:''' Drums, keyboards
<!-- Use a numerical list for the setlist. Please do not add it until confirmed from several sources. -->#"[[Home]]"#"[["1,000,000]]"#"Terrible Lie"#"[[March Of The Pigs (song)|March Of The Pigs]]"#"[[Metal]]"#"[[The Becoming]]"#"[[I'm Afraid Of Americans]]"#"[[Burn (song)|Burn]]"#"[[Gave Up]]"#"[[La Mer]]"# "[[Song OneThe Fragile (song)|The Fragile]]"# "[[Song TwoGone, Still]]"# "[[Song ThreeThe Way Out Is Through]]"#"[[Wish (song)|Wish]]"#"[[The Hand That Feeds (song)|The Hand That Feeds]]"#"[[Head Like A Hole (song)|Head Like A Hole]]"#"[[Hurt (song)|Hurt]]"
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