
518 bytes added ,  06:48, 24 August 2013
On March 10, 2011, Trent confirms on the board that work on the TV series is still in progress. [,1227855,1227855#msg-1227855]
On June 24, 2011, "''Pitchfork Magazine" '' had a section of news stating that Jim Uhls, the man who had written the screenplay for ''Fight Club'' and the screenplay for the 2008 film ''Jumper'', was chosen to write the script for the series.
On December 23, 2011 in an interview by "''The Guardian" '' Trent is quoted as follows about the 10-part HBO mini-series, which is based on ''Year Zero'': "''I chose not to write it myself because I don't know how to do that. But now I'm thinking I should have. Somebody's got to do it, right? How hard can it be?''" []
On January 11, 2012 [ a user on Echoingthesound] said that Jim Uhls confirmed him via Facebook that he is currently working on the ''Year Zero'' TV series ("''I've been away from FB for awhile. Now that I see it, I can answer. I am currently working on Year Zero. [...]''" [])
On November 13, 2012, Reznor stated during an [[November 2012 Reddit AMA|"ask me anything" session with Reddit]] that: "''This is currently in a holding state. We didn't find the right match with a writer, and really have been avoiding doing what we should have done from the beginning: write it ourselves. We = Rob and myself. This project means a lot to me and will see the light of day in one form or another.''"
In August of 2013, it was stated in an article by the ''NME'' that HBO had rejected the series.
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