
114 bytes added ,  06:07, 10 January 2017
This song has become a staple of the live performances for years, though it has been played differently throughout the various live lineup changes. During the [[Self Destruct Tour]], it was played like the album version, including distorted vocals. During the With Teeth era, it featured more radical changes: the percussive loops were heavily manipulated by Alessandro Cortini on a custom Kaoss pad, and the synth line was played by Jeordie White on bass. During the [[Wave Goodbye Tour]], the regular album loops were manipulated by Reznor before the rest of the band kicked in. As well, the synth line was played by [[Justin Meldal-Johnsen]] on keyboards once again. During the [[Tension 2013 Tour]], this song featured backing vocals by [[Lisa Fischer]] and [[Sharlotte Gibson]].
== Lyrics ==
